JLR and Vehicles with Oversized Rear Number Plates
For JLR, JDM and other cars with odd and large rear sized number plates, we supply a standard UK front, at 520 x 110mm in size, and an oversized rear at 630 x 180mm. The rear can be trimmed down to the exact size for your car
Please read the FAQs to understand exactly what you’re buying before proceeding
The rear number plates on JLR cars, Japanese Domestic Market imports and other similar oddities can vary in size. You’d think a large Range Rover rear number plate would be still be a standard large size, but they can vary by a good few mm. Because of that, its impossible for us to tool up for them
For such large rear sizes, we supply an oversized Stealthplate which is 630 x 180mm. These can be trimmed using a stout pair of sharp scissors or a stanley knife with a fresh blade. Watch your fingers!
The oversized rear Stealthplate is supplied along with a standard UK front size at 520 x 110mm and cost £135.00 for the pair
For multiple purchase discount, please contact us