A Glowing Endorsement from the BBC!!!!
Read… be informed… understand!
Think about it…
And you can always contact us and ask questions
Yes, folks, you heard that right – the BBC have demonstrated that Stealthplate does exactly what we say it does!
Frontline Fightback, series 3, episode 9. 14 minutes in. You might find it on iPlayer but take a look at the relevant clip extracted below.
This clip, as you might expect, needs some explanation and, sorry, but the explanation is not as simple as you might hope. Then again, you are not as simple as the TV producers at the BBC want you to be.
What they have done here is to take a camera which has TWO camera sensors. One produces a colour image, one produces an infrared image. What they go on to show is that Stealthplate blocks the infrared image of a number plate but it doesn’t block the colour image. We have never claimed anything different!
BUT…. You know what the problem here is, don’t you? Ask yourself a question:
Yes, that’s right – they’re not telling you the whole story, are they??? Its not so fantastic and they need an infrared camera.
Ask yourself another question:
A colour camera will never, NEVER! generate as clear an image for ANPR as an infrared camera and the BBC’s little piece of investigative journalism is more than just disingenuous! It’s a deliberate attempt to rubbish us. But they don’t get it…
You want to understand why infrared cameras are used for ANPR? Take a look at our explanation here.
OK, so there’s a little more deconstruction we can do here to illustrate how disingenuous they’re being in this programme.
Two sensors in a camera?
The system in this demonstration has two cameras in it. That’s a very expensive piece of kit. The powers that be can’t afford every camera on the roads to be like this. Here’s some manufacturer’s cameras which are only infrared:
There are plenty more. In fact, the vast majority of ANPR cameras do not use a colour sensor as well.
The colour image is poor. Even in the BBC’s demo its poor – you can see that. An ANPR computer algorithm will struggle to extract letters and numbers from that image. So they need a human to do it! But they don’t want to be paying people to sit at computer screens reading registrations. That’s what they used to do with old fashioned film GATSOS. They might have the capability to generate a colour image but do they have the staff to read it????
A Car Park Demonstration?

Daytime, a car moving at 5mph which is five metres from the camera? Nice, easy demonstration…
Try doing it at 70mph on a motorway at a distance of thirty or forty metres in the rain.
That is an entirely different imaging problem and colour sensors do not generate as good images in such circumstances. In fact,
Try doing it the sodding dark!
Yeah, exactly…
“Cheap and easy” peel back plastic?
Yeah? Go try it with a piece of ordinary clear plastic…..
Oh, it does nothing all?! There’s a surprise.
All this traffic imaging and ANPR is not simple. It uses very advanced technology and Stealthplate uses equally advanced technology to defeat the imaging process.
Stealthplate is NOT cheap and its NOT easy. How many other places in the world can you find this device? Nowhere! How many of the snake oil sellers and bullshitters have patents on their device? None of them! Cheap and easy? Think again…
“…Make it impossible for criminals to get away with this…”?
You, yes, you…. You’re a criminal, are you? I doubt it…
You’re here reading this and maybe contemplating buying Stealthplate. Maybe you’ve already bought it? You’re a criminal, are you? Oh, yeah, sure – there’ll be a few dodgy types out there who have bought Stealthplate. But are you?
Or are you just sick to death of being watched everywhere you go? Being chased, paying through the nose for living a normal life? No, I doubt very much that you’re a criminal
Like we said earlier:
Read… be informed… understand!
Think about it…